by Jeff Lewis | 2 Jun 2015 | Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life, Smallford History, Smallford Today
The flier above was delivered to 4000 homes along and close to the St Albans section of The Alban Way during the week beginning 5th October, Whether-or-not you received one, knowing about it could be a good reason to celebrate! The Alban Way is what remains of the...
by Jeff Lewis | 29 Jan 2015 | Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life, Smallford History, Smallford Today, Workshops & Activities
Video footage of the on-going works to clear the Smallford Station platform of overgrown foliage. The work is being undertaken in an effort to help preserve the platform structures along the length of the Alban Way, up to Smallford Station.
by Jeff Lewis | 25 Apr 2013 | Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life
On Monday 20th April 2013, three Project members visited the British Film Institute (BFI) to view some old black and white films made around 100 years ago! They were searching for the films for some scenes using Smallford Station as a background. Their source...
by Jeff Lewis | 10 Apr 2013 | Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life
A display, providing some information on our Project – ‘Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life’ – has been shown at St Albans Public Library. We hope it will generate interest and encourage people to contact us.