St Albans District Council is being required by The Government to make provision for around 16,000 new homes over the next 16-20 years. This will form the core of their Local Plan, the final draft of which is due to be published for a public consultation in Autumn 2018. Included in the current Draft Local Plan are several major sites, including Oaklands College – Policy S6 v) St Albans East: Here is the description currently included in the Draft Plan –
To provide an urban extension of St Albans, improved and new education and training facilities, and to further integrate Oaklands College with the wider community .
The development will be required to deliver:
- Master-planned development led by the Council in collaboration with local communities, landowners and other stakeholders
- Minimum capacity 1,250 dwellings (including area with extant permission for 348 homes)
- The 1,250 dwelling figure above includes at least one 50+ bed C2 Residential or Nursing care home, at least one 50+ home C3 Flexi-care scheme and 12 units to provide special needs accommodation, in accordance with Policy L2
- Minimum 40% Affordable Housing in accordance with Policy L3
- Minimum overall net density 40 dwellings per hectare
- Housing size, type and mix as set out in Policy LXXX and Appendix 6
- Strategic and local public open space, including managed woodland and ecological network links
- Retention of important trees and landscape features
- A 2FE primary school, including Early Years provision, to serve the new community
- A site for and appropriate contributions towards an 8FE secondary school site
- Transport network (including walking and cycling links) and public transport services upgrades/improvements
- Investment / reinvestment in improved education and training provision and facilities at Oaklands College
- Retain, repair and make fit for purpose the Mansion House building
- Hydrotherapy pool
- 3% of homes provided to be self-build housing
- New neighbourhood centre, including commercial development opportunities
- Recreation space and other community facilities, including health provision
- Community Management Organisation with sufficient assets to provide sustainable management of community facilities, open spaces and parklands
- Excellence in design, energy efficiency and water management
- Site wide Combined Heat & Power system delivered in association with research and teaching initiatives at the College and its partner institutions
- Appropriate renewable energy production and supply mechanisms
- Best and most appropriate use of existing sand and gravel resources on site, rather than by prior extraction
This sustainable approach appears to be unique amongst all the proposed large developments in The District and is down to the attitude and values of the College, in particular its Principal, Zoe Hancock.