The Hatfield-St Albans Railway Line (now The Alban Way) was officially closed very early in January 1968 – however, the last train ran in December 1967.
To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the closing, our Smallford Station & Alban Way Heritage Society is organising four events, and you might like to put the dates in your diary –
- 9th-22nd September
Exhibition @ Mill Green Museum - Sunday 23rd September: 10am-2.00pm
Alban Way Guided Walk: Hatfield Station-Colney Heath Lane - Tuesday 30th October 7.00-8.30pm
Candle-Lit/Torch-Lit Mini Guided Walk: Smallford-Nast Hyde (return)
Supported by Colney Heath WI (who will provide hot drinks and snacks) we hope this will attract families and youngsters - Friday Evening 26th October (date tbc) @ University of Hertfordshire
The Varying Fortunes of the Hatfield & St Albans Railway
A presentation and an opportunity to see footage of some old B&W and colour films – including showing trains stopping at Smallford in 1928 and 1933.
If you’d like to –
- join us on one of our walks, please email
- attend the evening presentation on 26th October, please email