Over the last year the Smallford Station & Alban Way Heritage Society (SSAWHS) Committee has been exploring ways in which the environment around Smallford Station Ticket Office can be improved.
We have had discussions with a range of key organisations, including –
- St Albans District Council (SADC), who own the land around the station, including, of course, Alban Way
- Community Services Department and their Alban Way Greenspace Action Plan project management team, Countryside Management Service (CMS)
- The Planning Department
Both have provided invaluable information and advice
- Oaklands College – with whom we are building a strong, collaborative, working partnership
- Smallford Residents’ Association and Councillors representing the local community
Everyone has been very supportive!
As you might imagine, some of our discussions have been ‘sensitive’ in nature and therefore necessarily confidential. However, we are now in a position to share our aspirations with you and, hopefully, you will be as excited about the opportunities and prospects as we are.
There are two aspects –
- Making the Entrances to the Station Area more Inviting
We hope to provide some ‘Welcome’ signs and a Noticeboard –
- Improving the Environment around the Station
We know what the platform used to look like 100 years ago –
We have ideas about how it could look. On the platform we plan to –
- create flower beds
- install replica vintage benches and lamp posts
- install display panels
And here’s an impression of how it might look! –
To be totally honest – we’ve already started, in a small way. Last autumn we planted 200 daffodil bulbs (generously donated by Notcutts Garden Centre) around the Station Car Park.
Plus – we shortly hope to be able to let you know about another exciting possibility – watch this space!
Please contact us via info@smallford.org if you: * would like a copy of a more-detailed plan produced by our Working Party * would like to be actively involved (design, implementation, maintenance…) – it would assist us if you would let us know how you would like to be involved together with any particular skills and interest that you could offer * have any ideas/suggestions to contribute |
(C): June 2019: Smallford Station & Alban Way Heritage Society