The road now known as Station Road, was, before the arrival of the branch railway, called Smallford Lane. Strange really, because the road which connects Hatfield Road with the former Smallford hamlet is called Colney Heath Lane! In fact, both those lanes from different parts of Hatfield Road came together at a triangle just before entering Colney Heath. The construction of the St Albans Bypass destroyed that rather neat highway geometry.
At some time after the little railway station was opened, the name of the road between Horseshoes and the railway bridge was changed to Station Road; although, as often with these changes, the official renaming probably followed a period of everyday usage of the new description.
The homes on the east side of Station Road began to arrive at the dawn of the popularity of the motor car – late 1920s and 1930s – and had nothing to do with commuting by railway. Station Road enabled easy access onto the bypass during the frenzy of trunk road construction.
The road resumes its old name of Smallford Lane on the south side of the railway bridge.