Now the celebrations are behind us, we’re getting back to what has become three separate, but associated, projects:
- ‘Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life’Continuing our heritage research and sharing our findings on our website. If you know of anyone who recalls the station and/or railway line when it was operating, we’d love to hear their stories and, if possible, capture them on video. Contact via info@smallford.orgThe Station opened on 1st February 1866 – so we will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary in a couple of months’ time. It was originally called ‘Springfield Station’ – the name being changed to Smallford as there was another ‘Springfield Station’ – in Scotland!
- ‘Bringing Alban Way to Life’Restoring and renovating three previous platforms on the St Albans stretch, providing historical information boards and some resting places. This will be undertaken as part of the Alban Way GAP Plan, in collaboration with Countryside Management Service, St Albans District Council and (hopefully) Oaklands College Staff and Students. SADC have already spent £30,000 on clearance work and have set a further budget of over £50,000. We look forward to seeing the progress over the coming months.
- ‘Bringing Smallford Station to Life’Restoring and renovating the Station/Ticket Office (a Grade II Listed Building) and making it available to our community. We will be considering ways in which we might progress this core part of our Project.
We continue to work closely with staff from UH Heritage Hub (they have been a wonderful support) and you can follow our progress on our website –
If you’ve got some information you’d like to share, if you’d like to get involved, if you’d like to have a presentation on our Projects for your local group, contact us via