
A document showing the names of residents of Smallford from 1889 is available to view at The National Archives, Kew, London (reference: RAIL 236/722/21).  The document shows a petition drawn up at the time of the inhabitants of Smallford.  However, it was deemed that this petition was really just to satisfy one man rather than the general populous.

The document states, “The only staff we have there is a station master and a lad porter, and their hours are from six am to 9.30 pm. There are very few passengers who stop at this station, and if the later trains asked for stop there, it would necessitate the provision of an additional man.

The document goes on to add, “Worman, our Inspector in the Hatfield district, has enquired into the matter, and reports that the memorial has been practically got up by one man, the son of a farmer at Colney Heath, a village about a mile and a quarter from the station, and it is stated to contain the signature of every man, woman, and child in the village.

Finally finishing the document with the blunt statement, “I do not see any need for complying with the request.

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