The next AGM of Smallford Residents’ Association

DATE:  Wednesday 26th June 2013

TIME:   7.30-9.30pm

VENUE:  St Albans Rugby Club, Oaklands Lane

The AGM will be followed by our ‘usual’ SPECIAL MEETING.

This is still being planned and is likely to include the following –

Broadband Questionnaire

At the beginning of this year, we made a submission to Hertfordshire County Council to get our Broadband Provision upgraded. As part of our submission we provided the results of a comprehensive questionnaire which was completed by a large number of residents and local businesses affected by the current poor provision.

Smallford in Bloom

We will provide an update on this ongoing project – which began in 2010 with  hanging baskets erected around Smallford Roundabout (provided by St Albans District Council) and followed in 2011 by a group of local residents planting over 2000 Spring Bulbs in and around our village.

Smallford Community Plan

This document is being drafted in response to Government legislation which is primarily designed to improve the country’s housing supply. In essence, if a community does not have a Neighbourhood Plan it becomes easy prey for speculative development over which it would have very little say. 

Smallford Station Project

Your Residents’ Association successfully applied for an ‘All our Stories’ grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to fund our exciting community project -‘Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life’. A group of enthusiastic people are exploring the history of Smallford Station (a Grade II listed building celebrating the 150th anniversary of its opening in 2016) and the Hatfield to St Albans Branch Line that it served.

We are also considering two other projects –

  • Bringing Smallford Station to Life
  • Bringing the Platforms and Halts along Alban Way to Life

Click to access A4-Flier.pdf


Click here to download the Smallford Residents’ Association AGM flier

(PDF – requires Adobe Reader or similar to open)

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