On this page you will find the latest news for Smallford and the surrounding area. If you would like an article submitted, please send your request to info@smallford.org

How to Report Faults on Herts County Council Highways Website
The Hertfordshire County Council provides a neat online facility where users can submit and report faults such as potholes, flooded roads, unkempt hedges and so on. However, it is not necessarily easy to use. HCC provides a brief introduction by way of a short PDF and...

Smallford Community Plan
Below is a copy of the current version of The Smallford Community Plan. This is a working document in progress – by definition therefore it is an unfinished, incomplete one. We are publishing it as a working document on our website – 1. To inform residents -...

Smallford Residents’ Association: AGM
The next AGM of Smallford Residents' Association DATE: Wednesday 26th June 2013 TIME: 7.30-9.30pm VENUE: St Albans Rugby Club, Oaklands Lane The AGM will be followed by our 'usual' SPECIAL MEETING. This is still being planned and is likely to include the following...

HLF Grant to Support a Local Community Project
Originally published in the Herts Advertiser in November 2012 'Bringing the History of Smallford Station to Life' A village group has been given a grant of nearly £10,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to help bring the history of a station to life. Chairman of...

Smallford in Bloom 2012
In November 2011, a group of Smallford residents planted over 2000 spring flowering bulbs in and around Smallford - Daffodils, Crocuses and Snow Drops. We are grateful to Colney-Heath Parish Council who donated £100 towards the cost and to Notcutts Garden Centre who...

The Smallford Forum
A place for the discussion of all things Smallford. Whether it's a talk about the history of Smallford Station or a topic on the origins of Smallford, the forum aims to provide an invaluable resource to the community as a whole. Registration is free and open to all....

Smallford Station Project
Smallford Residents’ Association is celebrating! We have been awarded a substantial ‘All our Stories’ Grant from The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to support an exciting local community project. Smallford Station opened in 1866, closed in 1951 and will be celebrating...

Nature in Smallford